Saturday 9 January 2010

Back To Basics

Well as it's been a short while since I last updated properly, I will attempt to do so today as best I can.

From the way in which my calorific intake has increased these past few days, I feel some what unjustified in the fact that i can still easily button my jeans.In fact according to the dreaded scale, i have lost weight! Shocking I know, but then perhaps I have given my metabolism a much needed boost. Now tomorrow, since I am returning to the world of independence and education, I will be liquid fasting for 3 days or as long as I can go. Its still FAR to cold to go swimming unfortunately, although I extremely tempted to bare it and just go anyway. I am desperately in need of some proper exercise, and since my surgery wound is now almost fully healed, I could easily get away with a 30 minute swim. However, that'll have to wait until after my fast because my energy levels are going to drop dramatically for the duration.

I've been severely pre-menstrual and miserable as of late hence the reasoning behind the rather dramatic post I left a couple of days ago.I apologise for the nonsense, insomnia had wrapped me in its evil clutches and the dreaded hunger pains were griping away and I felt positively worthless. I'm much better now though. Trying to look forward.

So in this post, I will toast to:

1. Reaching my Ultimate Goal Weight this year


2. Enjoying the last 8 months of teen hood. (since I'm finally 20 this year)

Hope all's well with anyone who reads this or comes across this =)

A-J x

Remember...Everyone Has A Skinny Side...

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